Why I Offer Frames and Why I Think You Should Have Them In Your Home
/When I met my husband in junior high (yes, that’s right junior high sweethearts!), we were just small-town kids with big dreams and puppy dog eyes for each other. We have both always been driven and incredibly hard-working, but I don’t think we could have ever imagined the life we have built together. We went to college together and then moved to Northwest Arkansas, where I attended law school and he got his MBA. After school, we finally got married :). I practiced law for 5 years (I still have my license in Arkansas) in various specialties.
But once we had our son (and later, our daughter), that dream shifted and I knew I was meant to be home with our children.
That decision didn’t change who I was at my core, though - a go-getter with a heart to serve others. I wanted both motherhood and a fulfilling career, but I honestly had no idea what that looked like.
At that point, we had moved a couple of times and I was starting to do more and more photography (I took my first photography class 11 years ago when we lived in Scottsdale and have been educating myself ever since). Fast forward a few years and we moved to Darien, CT and I knew it was time for me to either do something with photography or be done. Thankfully that go-getter in me won and here we are today.
Why do I tell you that? Because photography isn’t just about taking pretty pictures…and it certainly isn’t about having photos sit on a hard drive for you and your children to never see again. It’s about your story - your family's story. Whether you married your junior high sweetheart or met as adults, the life you are building matters, and where there is life, there is a story to be told.
What Do Frames Have To Do With It?
I mentioned before that we have moved a few times (5 to be exact). With every move, I have found that the first thing I want to do is get our family photos hung on the walls. It wasn’t until the last couple of years that I realized why. These photos of my children and our family bring me so much joy every single day. To see their little faces, our family, and the life that my husband I have built together, is a constant reminder of just how blessed we are.

I want my kids to see that too. I want them to know HOW much they are loved, and give them a sense of home and true belonging.
& I want that for my clients too.
So this past year when I made the decision to start offering a more full-service experience, offering frames was my number one priority. But I knew that I would have clients that were hesitant. Gallery walls can be intimidating and if we’re being honest….they can test a marriage! HA!
The whole goal of the KWP experience is to eliminate stress from start to finish. This includes the design, ordering, and installation of your frames. I’ve poured my heart and soul into education over the last year to be able to confidently provide and execute frame installation for my clients.
There is nothing more fulfilling than being able to install a gallery, step back and call for my client to see it for the first time. Their reactions continue to affirm my decision. But I am not sure anything beats the reactions that I get from the kids. The joy, the sense of pride, and their ability to see themselves in their family… is priceless.
If you’re on the fence, let’s chat. I’ve found that the hardest part is getting started. But I will take you through every step of the process, from choosing the wall, picking a frame, visualizing how a gallery can grow over time with your family, and finally the installation. No more stress over holes in the wall, crooked frames, uneven spaces, arguments with your spouse….or worse, not ever doing it at all.
This is where motherhood and career have come together for me. It’s the ability to be available for my children while serving other Mama’s and making sure they are able to look around the walls of their home and experience the same joy that I do.

Interested in custom framing for your family’s portraits? Contact me here!