The Three Most Adorable Sisters In Studio Newborn Session in Fairfield County

Oh my goodness I loved having these three sisters in the studio for baby’s newborn session! When this family walked in to my studio in Darien, I was just in AWE of their GORGEOUS children! What a lucky man Dad is to have a house full of lovely ladies! :)

Mom and baby came to the studio first to get ready for the session! Mom picked out this beautiful neutral gorgeous dress from the Client Wardrobe (which could not have been more perfect for her!), and I got busy taking individual portraits of their new baby! Sweet girl was wide awake so I was able to capture some portraits of her awake and asleep! Once Mom was dressed we captured a few images with her and her newborn baby girl!

When we were finishing up, Dad arrived with the big sisters! Mom picked out dresses from the Client Wardrobe for her daughters to wear and we started the family portion of the session! When toddler aged siblings are involved, I work as quickly as possible to capture those “must have” moments. So often, our younger aged siblings are still trying to adjust and sitting still beside this new baby is NOT their idea of a fun day! But luckily these big sisters were amazing and needed no bribing to love on their new baby! :) Newborn sessions with siblings tend to be a little different than sessions with a first baby. I really put the emphasis on the family together and the siblings, as that is usually what Momma cares about most! But I always try to still get a few portraits of Mom with the baby alone because baby will love those the most :)

Here is a glimpse at their session!

fairfield county connecticut newborn Photographer
fairfield county connecticut newborn Photographer
connecticut newborn Photographer
connecticut newborn Photographer
connecticut newborn Photographer
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connecticut’s best newborn Photographer
connecticut’s best newborn Photographer
connecticut’s best newborn Photographer
connecticut’s best newborn Photographer