The Three Most Adorable Sisters In Studio Newborn Session in Fairfield County

Oh my goodness I loved having these three sisters in the studio for baby’s newborn session! When this family walked in to my studio in Darien, I was just in AWE of their GORGEOUS children! What a lucky man Dad is to have a house full of lovely ladies! :)

Mom and baby came to the studio first to get ready for the session! Mom picked out this beautiful neutral gorgeous dress from the Client Wardrobe (which could not have been more perfect for her!), and I got busy taking individual portraits of their new baby! Sweet girl was wide awake so I was able to capture some portraits of her awake and asleep! Once Mom was dressed we captured a few images with her and her newborn baby girl!

When we were finishing up, Dad arrived with the big sisters! Mom picked out dresses from the Client Wardrobe for her daughters to wear and we started the family portion of the session! When toddler aged siblings are involved, I work as quickly as possible to capture those “must have” moments. So often, our younger aged siblings are still trying to adjust and sitting still beside this new baby is NOT their idea of a fun day! But luckily these big sisters were amazing and needed no bribing to love on their new baby! :) Newborn sessions with siblings tend to be a little different than sessions with a first baby. I really put the emphasis on the family together and the siblings, as that is usually what Momma cares about most! But I always try to still get a few portraits of Mom with the baby alone because baby will love those the most :)

Here is a glimpse at their session!

fairfield county connecticut newborn Photographer
fairfield county connecticut newborn Photographer
connecticut newborn Photographer
connecticut newborn Photographer
connecticut newborn Photographer
connecticut’s best newborn Photographer
connecticut’s best newborn Photographer
connecticut’s best newborn Photographer
connecticut’s best newborn Photographer
connecticut’s best newborn Photographer

Beautiful Baby Girl Newborn Session | Connecticut Newborn Photographer Kristin Wood

I had the pleasure of photographing this beautiful baby girl’s newborn session recently at my Connecticut studio. You might recognize Mama as I did her maternity session as well! It is so amazing to be able to photograph a pregnant Mama at her maternity session and then see her holding that precious baby she was dreaming about just a month or so before! Her Mama is a teacher and has the sweetest soul. My favorite part of my job is meeting so many new people! I always love hearing their birth stories and about their adventures as new parents!

As a newborn photographer, I’m meeting people days after giving birth (and usually after a few sleepless nights). Hormones are going crazy, your body is in a state of flux, and often you just feel tired and overwhelmed. I love being able to provide a relaxing environment for my clients to just sit and be pampered for a couple of hours. My makeup artist, Angelina, is so incredible not only with makeup, but as a therapist, is always so comforting! Being one of the first people trusted to hold your brand new baby is not something I take lightly. I give them the utmost care while they are with me (and try to give you a little break by taking care of diaper changes!). I give your precious babies lots of cuddles and baby talk while I get them wrapped up and sleepy for their session. Loving on your babies is such a treat!

Here are some of my favorite images from this Newborn Session!


Connecticut Maternity Photographer | Fairfield County Beach Maternity Session by Kristin Wood Photography

Ah beach maternity sessions make my heart sing. The beach is definitely my happy place, which was a huge selling point when we decided to settle in Darien (with Westport being a close second but the added commute for my husband made Darien the ideal sleepy Connecticut town for us….but I digress). Weed Beach is such a beautiful spot and is always my go-to spot for beach photography sessions.

Maternity photos are often under-rated, but I think they are so important. As a woman, we are only pregnant for a very short time in our life. It is a time that we look forward to and dream about long before it ever happens. We wonder what it will feel like to be growing a little life inside our belly and what we will look like with a bump. It is also a transformative time in your life as a couple. It is the last time it will ever be “just the two” of you. There is so much awe, excitement, and anxiousness being shared between you while you are expecting your baby. I just think it is such a unique and special time in your lives and a time you will always want to look back on and remember. Lastly, your kids will love looking at photos of you when they were in your belly!

This soon-to-be Mama booked a Bump-to-Baby collection which includes the maternity and newborn session. She came to the studio before the session to pick out her dresses. Her husband was so fun and helpful with styling her for the session! I love when husband’s have opinions (mine is almost always right when it comes to what looks best on me and I find that to be the case every time with clients too!). She selected 2 gorgeous maternity dresses from the Client Closet and we headed to the beach for their session!

It was sprinkling when we left my studio, but we made the call to go for it. Once we made the short drive to the beach, it never rained another drop and the sun even came out at the very end of the session! I’m obsessed with these gloomy skies portraits (we get a lot of gloomy weather here so they are fitting for the East Coast! ha!) and how her dress perfectly matched the water.



Mom’s wardrobe provided by the Client Closet

Kristin Wood Photography specializes in newborn, maternity, and family photography in Fairfield County, CT and surrounding areas including Greenwich, Westport, New Canaan,  Ridgefield, Stamford, Fairfield, New Haven, Manhattan, and Westchester County.  If you are interested in booking a session, please contact me here.

I would love to begin planning a portrait session for your baby & family.  Whether you want an outdoor beach or field setting or a cozy in studio or in home setting, we will design the perfect session to suit your family. I provide a luxury photography experience with a full client closet, personalized wardrobe styling, hair and makeup artists, and custom album and wall art designs for your home.

Fairfield County Newborn Photographer | Darien Newborn Photographer | New Canaan Newborn Photographer | Greenwich Newborn Photography | Westport Newborn Photographer | NYC Newborn Photographer | Fairfield County Family Newborn Photographer | Darien Family Photography | Westport Family Photographer | Greenwich Family Photographer | New Canaan Family Photographer | Ridgefield Family Photographer | Fairfield County Luxury Photographer | Westchester County Photographer | NYC Family Photographer | Manhattan Family Photographer | Kristin Wood Photography

Connecticut Baby Photographer | Harry's 8 months Sitter Session in Darien, CT by Kristin Wood Photography

I am LOVING these Simply Baby mini sessions that I offered this month. I adore babies (I mean, who doesn’t?!) and these sessions give me all the feels. I could cry tears of pure joy during these sessions. They are so cute at this stage- sitting up but not crawling. Doing all the cute babbles, grabbing their feet, rolling over. It’s just adorable overload. The Client Closet is well stocked in simple baby outfits that are perfect for these sessions so you don’t even have to worry about what your baby will wear! Just come to the studio in their pjs and pick out an outfit! So easy! To learn more about baby Milestone Sessions click here. If you are interested in booking your own baby session, contact me and we will get it scheduled!

Harry was such a cutie pie during his session. He was so happy and curious. I could have played with him all day.


Kristin Wood Photography specializes in natural light luxury newborn, maternity, child and family photography in Darien, CT and surrounding areas including Greenwich, Westport, New Canaan,  Ridgefield, Stamford, New Haven, Manhattan, and Westchester County.  

I would love to begin planning a portrait session for your baby & family.  Whether you want an outdoor beach or field setting or a cozy in studio or in home setting, we will design the perfect session to suit your family. Sessions are relaxed, cuddly, emotional and authentic while beautifully telling the story of your family. Enjoy a luxury photography experience with a full client closet, personalized wardrobe styling, hair and makeup artists, and custom album and wall art designs for your home.

Fairfield County Newborn Photographer | Darien Newborn Photographer | New Canaan Newborn Photographer | Greenwich Newborn Photography | Westport Newborn Photographer | NYC Newborn Photographer | Fairfield County Family Newborn Photographer | Darien Family Photography | Westport Family Photographer | Greenwich Family Photographer | New Canaan Family Photographer | Ridgefield Family Photographer | Fairfield County Luxury Photographer | Westchester County Photographer | NYC Family Photographer | Manhattan Family Photographer | Kristin Wood Photography

Connecticut Baby Photography | 3 Month Session Lifestyle Studio Session by Fairfield County Photographer Kristin Wood Photography

This 3-month milestone session was definitely memorable! Not just because this is one of the sweetest families I’ve working with, but because little Nico was really showing out! This family traveled from Fairfield to my studio in Darien for their session. This was their first session as a family of 3 and I was so honored to get to document this special time for them.

This mama is STUNNING. Her hair and makeup were perfection. She came in her sweats (as I encourage all Moms to do) and had fun “shopping” the Client Closet for the perfect dress. She selected my very favorite dress (the white hand embroidered Fillyboo) from the wardrobe and I definitely oohed and aahhed when I saw her all dressed up. She looked like a goddess. Unfortunately, that dress didn’t make it through the session…more on that later! LOL! Her next choice looked gorgeous as well (pretty sure she could make a paper sack look good). Hubby was so patient, helpful, and loving with little Nico. I could tell these two were having a blast figuring out this parenting thing together.

The session was going wonderful until Baby Nico decided to show out with a blow out! LOL!!! Poop Happens! He had to get a bath mid-way through his session in the studio bathroom sink (so glad the studio has a sink and a washer/dryer close at hand because babies poop!)! I know it was stressful for Mom and Dad to deal with when they weren’t at home, but I couldn’t help but smile as it brought back so many memories of my own babies! They both had a knack for having major blowouts, especially when I didn’t have backup clothes! It’s like somehow they knew I was unprepared and just let it go.

I remember one time when we were at a friend’s house and Liam had his very first major blow out. He ended up riding home in a diaper, one sock, and a swaddle blanket draped around him! Somewhere I have a photo of him from that moment. In the moment it was stressful. Once we were settled in the car it was hilarious. And now, 6 years later, it’s a memory I never want to lose. Funny how that happens. Being a parent is SO hard in the moments. But when a little time passes and we have a new perspective, we see just how much even the hard moments were worth it.

Anyway, it was a blast and a session I will definitely remember not just for the excitement but also for what a beautiful family they are, inside and out! Here are some of my favorites!


Connecticut Family Photographer | Fairfield County Beach Photographer | Darien CT Weed Beach

This was such a fun extended family session. I’m so glad these Stamford natives decided to shoot at the beach in Darien. It made a perfect setting for the session, the kids had a blast, and we even got some sunset shots. They are a gorgeous family and so full of love for each other. The grandparents have been together for 49 years and I loved getting a snap a few of them together as well as them with their grandkids.

The Mom came over for a style consultation prior to the session. She tried on several pieces from the wardrobe and selected this beachy, flowy gray dress and also selected outfits for her two girls! The colors are perfection for the beach tones! The family ordered a custom gallery wall and they looked amazing in their home with the neutral, calm, relaxing colors!

Extended family sessions can be a real challenge at times. It is important to me to still capture those natural interactions and emotions and that seems to become more difficult with more people to corral. Having an awesome location with activities to do together really helps (in this case dancing in the sand and throwing rocks in the water).

Here are a few of my favorites (ok a lot of my favorites) from their session!


Clothing for the Mom and little girls was provided by Kristin Wood Photography’s Client Closet, which is available to all clients.

Kristin Wood Photography specializes in natural light luxury newborn, maternity, child and family photography in Darien, CT and surrounding areas including Greenwich, Westport, New Canaan,  Ridgefield, Stamford, New Haven, Manhattan, and Westchester County.  

I would love to begin planning a portrait session for your baby & family.  Whether you want an outdoor beach or field setting or a cozy in studio or in home setting, we will design the perfect session to suit your family. Sessions are relaxed, cuddly, emotional and authentic while beautifully telling the story of your family. Enjoy a luxury photography experience with a full client closet, personalized wardrobe styling, hair and makeup artists, and custom album and wall art designs for your home.

Fairfield County Newborn Photographer | Darien Newborn Photographer | New Canaan Newborn Photographer | Greenwich Newborn Photography | Westport Newborn Photographer | NYC Newborn Photographer | Fairfield County Family Newborn Photographer | Darien Family Photography | Westport Family Photographer | Greenwich Family Photographer | New Canaan Family Photographer | Ridgefield Family Photographer | Fairfield County Luxury Photographer | Westchester County Photographer | NYC Family Photographer | Manhattan Family Photographer | Kristin Wood Photography

Fall Family Mini Sessions | Fairfield County Connecticut Family Photographer

I'm excited to announce that I'm going to offer Family mini sessions September 22 and 23!  These are limited edition in that this is the ONLY weekend for mini sessions (because I LOVE my full family sessions with wardrobe styling and I know you will too!).  These 20 minute mini sessions will be in my field location in New Canaan and include 10 edited digital images for download from your online gallery!  There will be 4 sessions each evening from 5-7 pm (so only EIGHT spots total!).  Contact me to book now before they are gone!!
